About us
What does LEO stand for?
L - Leadership;
E - Experience;
O - Opportunity
What is our mission?
Our main purpose is to serve all the underprivileged citizens of our nation. We aim to help the young generation to pave their path to a bright future, while on the other hand, we try to improve the living conditions of the elderly. We aim to bring a smile on as many faces as we can. We strive to be a helping hand to our community with our kindness and service.
What is the history of LEO Club?
LEO Clubs are those organizations which are made of the youth of Lions Clubs International. They are very well known all across the world. The first LEO Club was formed in Pennsylvania, USA. The LEO Clubs have grown and developed into a strong dynamic force. Thus, here we are over 50 years later, helping the society as part of VIT LEO Club, in a small city in Tamil Nadu. There are around 7,200 LEO Clubs with over 130,000 members in more than 150 Countries. The success of LEO Clubs is a crucial part of the success of Lions Clubs International.