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Lens Studio

Lens Studio is a powerful application designed for artists and developers to build augmented reality experiences for hundreds of millions of Snapchatters, it comes with a huge set of built-in features including custom shaders and advanced tracking technology. Download Lens Studio from here

Key Features

Basic Crash Course :pen:

For starting off with Vuforia, you can follow these links:

Complete Udemy Course :book:

For learning deep and clear concepts of Lens Studio, you can go ahead with this course.

Topics to Cover :books:

S. No. Topic Link
1. Setting up Lens Studio Link
2. 2D Object Templating Link
3. Marker Tracking Link
4. Interative Approach Link
5. Scripting Overview Link
6. Adding Matrials Link
7. Creating Lens Icons Link
8. Sharing your Lens Link

Done? :disappointed_relieved:

Not yet! Now that you’ve explored Lens, you can learn ARkit, ARcore and Vuforia and master other AR frameworks.

We hope you now know the roadmap to being a professional SparkAR Developer :v: