
This repo is a one stop destination to find resources for learning various domains. You can find the roadmap for any domain here.

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GraphQL is a query language for your API, and a server-side runtime for executing queries by using a type system you define for your data. GraphQL isn’t tied to any specific database or storage engine and is instead backed by your existing code and data. It can be implemented using any server side language eg. Node, Python, Go, Kotlin,etc.

Get Started here.

Key Features :star:

Basic Crash Course :pen:

For starting with basics, setting it up and get an idea about various things, you can follow this crash course on YouTube:

Complete Udemy Course :book:

For learning deep and clear concepts of GraphQL with Node.Js, you can refer this paid Udemy course.
For learning deep and clear concepts of GraphQL with Python, you can refer this paid Udemy course.

Topics to Cover :books:

S.No. Topic Link
1. Basic setup (languages) Link
2. GraphQL-Yoga with Node Link
3. GraphQL-Apollo Link
4. GraphQL-middleware Link
5. Prisma (videos on the home page) Link
6. GraphQL APIs to cover Link
7. GraphQL-Shield Link

We hope you now know the roadmap to being a professional GraphQL-API Developer :v: