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Competitive Coding

One must have basic idea and clear concepts of Data Structures and Algorithms before diving into this sport called “Competitive Coding”.

Before getting started, have a look at this site: CP-Algorithms, a one stop solution for all competitive coders. This will be very helpful at later stages of this journey.

:pushpin: Dynamic Programming


:pushpin: String Algorithms

(i) HackerEarth Problemset

Problem Link Finished
★☆☆ Compiler Version <ul> <li> [ ] </li> </ul>
★★☆ Secrete Messages! <ul> <li> [ ] </li> </ul>
★★☆ String Queries <ul> <li> [ ] </li> </ul>
★★☆ Largest Lexicographical Rotation II <ul> <li> [ ] </li> </ul>
★★☆ EasyPalindrome <ul> <li> [ ] </li> </ul>
★★★ Statistics of strings <ul> <li> [ ] </li> </ul>
★★★ Last Forever <ul> <li> [ ] </li> </ul>

(ii) HackerRank Problemset

Problem Link Finished
★☆☆ Palindrome Index <ul> <li> [ ] </li> </ul>
★☆☆ Weighted Uniform Strings <ul> <li> [ ] </li> </ul>
★★☆ Sherlock and Anagrams <ul> <li> [ ] </li> </ul>
★★☆ Bear and Steady Gene <ul> <li> [ ] </li> </ul>
★★★ Circular Palindromes <ul> <li> [ ] </li> </ul>

(iii) Codeforces Problemset

Problem Link Finished
★★☆ Another Problem on Strings <ul> <li> [ ] </li> </ul>
★★☆ AB-string <ul> <li> [ ] </li> </ul>
★★★ Prefixes and Suffixes <ul> <li> [ ] </li> </ul>

(iv) SPOJ Problemset

:pushpin: Trees

Problem Link Finished
★☆☆ Same Tree <ul> <li> [ ] </li> </ul>
★☆☆ Invert Binary Tree <ul> <li> [ ] </li> </ul>
★★☆ Binary Tree Longest Consecutive Sequence <ul> <li> [ ] </li> </ul>
★★☆ Most Frequent Subtree Sum <ul> <li> [ ] </li> </ul>
★★☆ Lowest Common Ancestor of a binary tree <ul> <li> [ ] </li> </ul>
★★☆ N-ary Tree Level Order Traversal <ul> <li> [ ] </li> </ul>
★★★ Sum of distances in tree <ul> <li> [ ] </li> </ul>

:pushpin: Graphs

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★☆☆ PPATH(SPOJ) <ul> <li> [ ] </li> </ul>
★☆☆ Draughts(CodeChef) <ul> <li> [ ] </li> </ul>
★★☆ Distant Relatives(CodeChef <ul> <li> [ ] </li> </ul>

:pushpin: Shortest Path Algorithms

Problem Link Finished
★★☆ Minimum Valid Path <ul> <li> [ ] </li> </ul>
★★☆ Chef and Digit Jumps <ul> <li> [ ] </li> </ul>
★★☆ Road Decoration <ul> <li> [ ] </li> </ul>
★★☆ Mice and Maze <ul> <li> [ ] </li> </ul>

:pushpin: Union Find (Aka Disjoint Set Union/Union Find Disjoint Sets)

Problem Link Finished
★☆☆ Marriage Problem <ul> <li> [ ] </li> </ul>
★★☆ Roads not only in Berland <ul> <li> [ ] </li> </ul>
★★☆ Lexicographically minimal string <ul> <li> [ ] </li> </ul>
★★☆ Consecutive Letters <ul> <li> [ ] </li> </ul>

:pushpin: Minimum Spanning Tree (Kruskal’s)

Problem Link Finished
★★☆ Bytelandian Blingors Network <ul> <li> [ ] </li> </ul>
★★☆ Roads in HackerLand <ul> <li> [ ] </li> </ul>
★★☆ MST Queries <ul> <li> [ ] </li> </ul>
★★☆ Cost <ul> <li> [ ] </li> </ul>

:pushpin: Binary Indexed Tree (Fenwick Tree)

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★☆☆ Thor <ul> <li> [ ] </li> </ul>
★☆☆ Zeros and Ones <ul> <li> [ ] </li> </ul>
★★☆ Help Ashu <ul> <li> [ ] </li> </ul>
★★☆ Distinct Digits II <ul> <li> [ ] </li> </ul>
★★☆ Micro and Array Function <ul> <li> [ ] </li> </ul>

We hope you now know the roadmap to being a professional Competitive Coder :v: