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Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

Google Cloud Platform, offered by Google, is a suite of cloud computing services that runs on the same infrastructure that Google uses internally for its end-user products, such as Google Search, Gmail and YouTube.

Why GCP? :heart_eyes:

Who uses GCP? :raising_hand:

Google, PayPal, HSBC, The Home Depot, McKesson and many more Tech Giants.

Topics to Cover :books:

Google Cloud offers an excellent course on Coursera which you can register for free using the financial aid provided by Coursera if you’re eligible. This course also includes sandbox based learning using real examples and tasks.

S.No. Topic
1. Principles of Cloud Computing
2. Setup a GCP Account
3. Intro to GCP
4. Virtual Machines in the Cloud
5. Storage in the Cloud
6. Containers in the Cloud
7. Applications in the Cloud
8. Developing, Deploying and Monitoring in the Cloud
9. Big Data and Machine Learning in the Cloud
10. Billing & Cost Prediction

Once you get familiar these, you can very well call yourself a Google Cloud Developer. It’s recommended you practice this on a few projects to ensure you understand everything.

Done? :disappointed_relieved:

Not yet! Now that you’ve explored GCP, you can either learn AWS or Azure.

I love GCP :heart: What next?

We hope you now know the roadmap to being a professional and certified Google Cloud Developer :v: