
This repo is a one stop destination to find resources for learning various domains. You can find the roadmap for any domain here.

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User Interface / User eXperience :art:

User interface design or user interface engineering is the design of user interfaces for machines and software, such as computers, home appliances, mobile devices, and other electronic devices, with the focus on maximizing usability and the user experience.

Getting Started :book:

This one course will get you familiar with all tools and tricks related to UI/UX Designing.

Tools :wrench:


Done? :disappointed_relieved:

No! You cannot master UI/UX Designing without practice. Practice making different designs for different products (both on mobile and web artboards).

You could also make a portfolio by learning Frontend Web Dev or learn Graphic Designing or Video Designing.

We hope you now know the roadmap to being a professional UI / UX Designer :v: