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Machine Learning

Machine Learning is the study of computer algorithms that improve automatically through experience.

Basic Crash Course

For starting ML from right from basics, setting everything up and getting an idea about various things, you can follow this crash course video by Academind.

Complete Courses

Diving Deep

Topics to Cover

* Pandas and Numpy for Data Pre-Processing and Analysis.
* Matplotlib and Seaborn for Data Visualization.
* Sklearn to implement Machine Learning Models.
* Error Measurement and Scaling techniques.
* All methods and techniques mentioned are listed below:

Data Preprocessing and Visualization

1) Pandas :panda_face:

Machine Learning :zap:

1) Models

2) Prediction Measurements

4) Encoding Categorical Data

Beginner Friendly Datasets :star_struck:

While learning, it is always recommended to implement your knowledge practically. So, these are some project ideas to help you through this process.

S.No. Title
1. Titanic Dataset
2. Brooklyn Home Sales
3. IBM HR Analytics
4. Life Expectancy (WHO)
5. New York City Airbnb